The sheer number of top movie lists available now already makes possible the existence of a list that actually lists the top "top movie lists" themselves. Film-viewers need some direction every now and then, and they use these lists to help them. You can bet that just about everybody you meet loves free movies online.
Entertainment is always of value, especially when it comes for free. Following are some suggestions for the best movies to download or stream over the Web. These are the movies that people believe you absolutely must see.
One film that usually makes it into the horror genre list is "The Exorcist". This film was iconic, especially for its genre at the time. A young, demon-possessed Linda Blair was much scarier and horrific than any other Hollywood demon or ghost ever created, and there were no elaborate special effects or ultra-realistic CG effects back then.
It is said that the scares given to the audience years ago have never truly gone away. Who could ever forget Linda Blair’s head going 360 or when she walked down the downstairs ala inverted spider? Whoever thought of creating these scenes back in the 70s was a genius.
Titanic is yet another select film that simply must be seen at least once by any movie-watcher. This movie from the late 90s is in just about all lists for the best romance movies of all time. Of course, part of this might be attributable to the brilliant casting choices for the movie.
This is commonly held to be the best of all the movies that were ever made about the supposedly unsinkable ship. Because the film's spotlight was on a couple who were falling in love amidst this historical tragedy, there was a humanized approach about it. So popular was this movie that its profits went into the hundreds of millions.
The next top-grossing film of all time, a couple of hundred million dollars short of “Titanic”, is Disney’s “The Lion King”. This is perhaps the animated movie with the greatest profits ever. This animated film has even trounced many live actor's films in terms of earnings.
In Sci-Fi, an iconic film would be the famous "War of the Worlds". The 1938 radio fiction-drama set nationwide panic as news reported an alien invasion by creatures from Mars. The power of advanced effects technologies may give the new films an edge over the original, but they are still often considered vastly subpar.
This list cannot end without "Forrest Gump" being mentioned. The subtlety of the film was renowned at the time, especially due to the also-gentle likeability of its lead character. The plot may seem dull, but no one who has seen it could ever say the same of the film, which is the sort of surprise you only get from movies.
People on a search for good free movies online should never scorn these examples. There is simply something magical in the act of watching a movie of quality. Advances in the Web permit us to see these films even today, when they have long stopped showing in theaters.
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